从源码编译 golang
首先下载 golang 的代码,可以从 或者中国的 mirror 下载最新的 go<version>.src.tar.gz
. 然后开始编译就可以。
构建方法基本可以参考官方文档 就可以。
首先下载 golang 的代码,可以从 或者中国的 mirror 下载最新的 go<version>.src.tar.gz
. 然后开始编译就可以。
构建方法基本可以参考官方文档 就可以。
If we use Jetson Nano's default image to start our project, we may have some follow steps to make our work easier.
To speed up our dependencies updating for golang, or prepare some patterns for our special libraries, we probably consider to use a proxy to speed it up.
这几年这个博客都在使用 Google Analytics 服务。虽然每天被访问页面次数也就几百个,但我有时候也有点臭美的想知道是不是真的有用户在访问。最近偶然看了下 GA 的分析,发现来自台湾的用户特别高。
Bash script writing is a import approach to configure the linux system. Suppose we wish to add a user if not exists, the command may seems as follow:
TARGET_USER=alice if (! id -u $TARGET_USER > /dev/null 2>&1 ); then echo "creating user $TARGET_USER" # adduser $TARGET_USER fi
However, it is kind of too long. In this case short-circuiting is a alternative solution. (more…)
The open-source Anaconda Distribution is an easy way to perform Python/R data science and machine learning on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. We could easily prepare an isolated and constant environment on anywhere based on a configure file.
Considering the various kind of strange errors due to the different versions of python and python libraries, this management tool makes our life much more comfortable in deploying and cooperating.
We may edit the configure file "/etc/systemd/logind.conf" and change one line from
To gracefully shutdown a http server requires a few steps.
The http library's serving function will block over there when getting started, until we call http.Server.Close(). As for us, we can invoke the starting function in a goroutine, and call close in another one.
A simple way is to generate a personal access token instead.
Suppose we are trying to process a few interfaces, but not sure does a specific function exists.