In this page, I have collected some valuable links (as far as I am concerned) as navigation.
Enjoy it if they are something useful.
API Document, Handbook, and Manual #
- Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification
- Redis Command Reference -- for version 2.8, and translated to chinese
- FreeBSD 使用手册 -- cached version in argcv, here or here for official version in version 11.1
- The Netwide Assembler: NASM
- NASM Assembly Language Tutorials
- Bash Guide for Beginners (Chinese Version)
- The Rust Reference
- Rust Guidelines
- The Rust Programming Language
- TensorFlow or here
- Deep Learning Tutorial
- DevDocs API Documentation (CSS, DOM, JQuery, Angular, Bootstrap, CMake...)
- A Simple Introduction of LaTeX
- Google C++ Style Guide
- tmux & screen cheat-sheet
- Redux
- Hive
- Pig [1] or [2]
- Lua
- FreeType
- libssh: The Tutorial
- libssh2
- Implementing a language with LLVM
- A list of open source C++ libraries
- kafka
- Google Engineering Practices Documentation | eng-practices
Example in Code #
- A tiny example of CUDA
- Rust by Example
- fastText -- fastText is a library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification.
- React Router
- Ten Things I Wish I’d Known About bash
- You need to know css -- a few snippets for CSS
- Spark: The Definitive Guide -- Spark: The Definitive Guide's Code Repository
Course, Lecture, and Tutorial #
- Hugo Larochelle -- Neural Networks
- Deep learning at Oxford 2015
- Rust Programming
- Learn OpenGL
- OpenGL Tutorial
- Hadoop Tutorial
- Hadoop Tutorial (with introduction of hive and pig)
- gdb Debugging Full Example (Tutorial): ncurses
- Getting Started with Bazel
- stanford:cs140e -- syllabus
- SICP -- A translation project from English to Chinese
- AI-Sys Spring 2019 --
- CSE 599W: Systems for ML -- by Tianqi Chen
- 02-713 Algorithms & Data Structures (for Scientists)
Toolkit #
- JSON Viewer
- Regex Debug
- Color Picker
- Build With -- Find out what websites are build with
- Crates -- to publish your library in rust. Follow this link to get more information of how to use that.
- Rust Playground -- execute rust online
- Word Counter (EN),Word Counter (ZH)
- Let's Encrypt
- URL encode -- or just open inspect in chrome, and then type encodeURIComponent("some-string") in console
- Web Socket Test
- Web Service: Gzip compression testing tool
- The Other RGB Color Chart
- A System for Detecting Software Similarity
- godot: a cross platform game engine
- material-ui -- React components that implement Google's Material Design.
- duckling -- Language, engine, and tooling for expressing, testing, and evaluating composable language rules on input strings.
- Material Icons
- moss -- A System for Detecting Software Similarity
- msgpack -- an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller.
- inlets -- a simple tool to expose your local endpoints to the Internet
Dataset #
- Black List of IPs
- IP to Geolocation
- Daily learnings -- Datasets released by Google
- Icon Archive
- Image Net
- Subtitles
- Class Midi Files
Featured Project #
- Zircon -- the core platform that powers the Fuchsia OS
- zCore -- Reimplement Zircon microkernel in Rust
- ulib (alternative) -- a collection of efficient building blocks for developing systems in C/C++.
- GopherLua -- a simple lua virtual machine running on the golang
- sdb -- stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
- 9cc -- A Tiny C Compiler
- gvisor -- an alternative sandbox from Google
- go-bindata -- A small utility which generates Go code from any file. Useful for embedding binary data in a Go program.
- redigo -- redis pool on Golang
- traefik -- The Cloud Native Edge Router
- picfit -- An image resizing server written in Go
- pulsar -- Similar to kafka
- nsq -- yet another message queue
- OSX-KVM -- Run El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra and Mojave on QEMU/KVM
- ratelimit -- A Golang blocking leaky-bucket rate limit implementation by Uber
- ray -- Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a toolkit of libraries (Ray AIR) for accelerating ML workloads.
- go-app -- a package for building progressive web apps (PWA) with the Go programming language (Golang) and WebAssembly (Wasm).
Audio & Video #
- go-wav -- A pure go audio file encoder and decoder
Bot #
- chromedp -- chrome debugger, could also been used as headless spider
Frontend #
- react-virtualized -- React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
- badage --
Database #
- dgraph -- Fast, Distributed Graph DB
Compress #
- zstd -- Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
Networking #
- flatbuffers -- FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, C#, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, Lobster, Lua, TypeScript, PHP, Python, and Rust. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.
Command-line Interface #
- powerline -- Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile.
- tmux-powerline
Debugging #
IT #
- ansible -- Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. (doc)
API Integration Testing #
Featured Blog, Gallery, Wiki, or Collection #
- colah's blog (CNN, 1/3)
- Andrej Karpathy blog (CNN, 2/3)
- ImperialViolet (Security)
- xg2xg -- by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
- Free Online Linux Technical Books and Tutorials -- yet another collection
- CGroup
- Kubernetes(1, 2, 3) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
- Lil'Log - Lilian is leading Applied AI Research @ OpenAI. She is pretty active in updating blogs.
Distributed File System(DFS) Ecosystem #
- zookeeper
- PaxosStore is a distributed-database initially inspired by Google MegaStore.