scala在编译&优化的时候,有时候会返回个inline warning.但是,实际上我们写代码已经不能再优化了. 比如如下这个例子:

yu:~ yu$ scala -version
Scala code runner version 2.11.7 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL
yu:~ yu$ scala -optimize -Yinline-warnings
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_05).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> object O { Map(
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "f" -> 5, "g" -> 6, "h" -> 7, "i" -> 8) }
warning: At the end of the day, could not inline @inline-marked method ->$extension
warning: At the end of the day, could not inline @inline-marked method ->$extension
warning: At the end of the day, could not inline @inline-marked method ->$extension
warning: At the end of the day, could not inline @inline-marked method ->$extension
defined object O

我们可以看到有个issue ,讲的就是这件事.它是12年底建立的,但一直没啥好的回答...可怜我为了关掉这个warning连带好几个其它warning都不能用了.



Adriaan Moors added a comment - 08/May/15 11:18 PM We're very actively working on a new optimizer (based on Miguel's work). By "we" I mean Lukas (the assignee). Check it out in 2.11.6 with `-Ybackend:GenBCode` – will be default in 2.12.


yu:~ yu$ scala -optimize -Yinline-warnings -Ybackend:GenBCode
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_05).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> object O { Map(
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "a" -> 0, "b" -> 1, "c" -> 2, "d" -> 3, "e" -> 4,
     |   "f" -> 5, "g" -> 6, "h" -> 7, "i" -> 8) }
defined object O




Categories: Code


Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them.

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