Print All Structures in a Golang Package

The program is designed to traverse and analyze Go language source code within a specified package directory. It utilizes the go/parser and go/token packages to parse the abstract syntax tree (AST) of each Go file. The main functionality includes:

  1. Parsing Package Files: The program reads and parses all Go files within a given directory, creating an AST for each file.

  2. Identifying Struct Definitions: It searches through the AST to find all declarations of struct types.

  3. Preserving Comments: The program retains comments that are associated with the struct definitions and their fields.

  4. Formatting and Printing Structs: The struct types, along with their fields and associated comments, are formatted to resemble the original Go code. The program uses the go/format package to ensure that the output closely matches the syntax and style of handwritten Go code.

  5. Output: The program outputs the struct definitions to the standard output (console), allowing users to see the struct types and associated comments in a readable format.

The program is invoked by running the main.go file with the -path flag set to the path of the Go package directory to be analyzed. The output can be used for documentation purposes, code reviews, or as a reference when working with existing codebases.


SIGR: Yet Another Simple SIGnal manageR

Signal plays an important role in communication with POSIX system.

For example, what if our code been killed, interrupted, hung on? Generally, the operation system (I am talking about BSD, Unix-like, POSIX system, same in the follow but will omitted), will not really "KILL" it, it will just send a kill signal with id to this process, the this process will process this signal later.

Here is a table to describe the id to default action.
