Google 被老流氓击败了
老流氓Oracle和Google的干架这两天有了个里程碑式的发展。Google因为在Android上涉嫌抄袭甲骨文“开发”的37个API和11行Java源代码被告上法庭,(Oracle的律师称,)这是严重的抄袭。 (more…)
Android, known as the green robot, is an open-source operating system based in Palo Alto, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices. It allows users to interact with a wide array of applications, enjoy multimedia content, and customize their mobile experiences through a vast ecosystem of devices and apps.
老流氓Oracle和Google的干架这两天有了个里程碑式的发展。Google因为在Android上涉嫌抄袭甲骨文“开发”的37个API和11行Java源代码被告上法庭,(Oracle的律师称,)这是严重的抄袭。 (more…)