How to Create a User for a Specific Database
It is a common operation to create a user and giant all the permission to a specific database.
It is a common operation to create a user and giant all the permission to a specific database.
In this post, I am going to list a set of page as navigation, so that we can use MongoDB easier. (more…)
十九日, 我的前室友在微信上闪了下我. 伊到了, 下午来我这儿取一下各种大包小包. (然后我们的一切联系就可以完蛋啦).
好哒, 我很快回复道.
整理了一下伊的物品, 却突然有点伤感.
Here is a sample code to cleanup MongoDB tasks. (more…)
Here documents are indeed a powerful feature in Unix-like operating systems, allowing for the efficient creation and manipulation of files from within a shell script. They are particularly useful when you need to insert multiple lines of text into a file without having to resort to looping constructs or temporary files.
Sometimes in building projects, we may meet an error seems as follow:
Can't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory ....
Changing the name of your os could be the first step after initialized you server -- at least it works for me. (more…)
TL;DR: Configuring vsftp is a difficult work and we always meet various of errors. In this post, I am going to introduce one possible solution of error "GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received." when you are using vsftpd. (more…)
Installing deb repository requires gpg-keys some time. Recently, I am trying to add a mongo repository for Ubuntu 14, which requires to request some gpg keys first. (more…)
Docker is a lightweight virtual machine container. To minimize the image, most of the official distributions were erased most the unnecessary system tools. (more…)
Recently I switched to gcc-6 in my OS X, and faced to VARIOUS of disasterS. One of them is the gcc compile cannot find header "stdlib.h" (more…)
本文大多数内容摘自实验室一位 Paper Machine Jing ZHANG老师的博士论文,它涉及到我们投出的论文 Panther: Fast Top-k Similarity Search in Large Networks,本体可以参考此处。本文意在随意介绍给恰好路过此处的哪位一点在大规模社会网络结构数据中对个体之间的影响力进行快速度量的思路,若有兴趣看看原文,并对你当前的工作有所帮助,那实在太棒了。